So I was playing Brawl earlier today and everything was going pretty normally and unextreme, but then something ridiculous happened. I was jumping around with Wolf like I normally do because wolves are natural jumpers when I accidentally hit up on the control stick after I already jumped once. This is where it gets weird. I jumped TWICE TIMES. I shouldn't have to remind you that jumping a second time while already airborne is physically impossible. I even tried it for about an hour and a half and I never got one real life twice jump off. The people that lived below me complained but when I told them about twice jumping they understood what I needed to do. My next thought was "hey wait, I'm not an animalogist, maybe wolves are capable of jumping twice unlike us vertically challenged humans." However, wikipedia had no information at all about wolfen twice jumping. I would have looked somewhere that wasn't wikipedia but that would be dumb because wikipedia has 100% of all info in the world. It was around this point that I concluded (using the scientific method) that twice jumping was some strange glitch/technique new to Brawl. I was also able to discover that twice jumping can be performed with up on the stick, x, or even y. The timing itself is a little tricky, you have to do it after you jump once time and before you land on mother earth. Now that I had mastered this glitch/technique, it was time to see if any other of the cast could perform it. I figured that if I start by checking the polar opposite of a wolf, a robot, then I could logically assume that everyone inbetween could also twice jump. So I picked Samus and tried my luck. Surprisingly enough, Samus was able to twice jump in nearly the same exact manner as Wolf. After these ludicrous discoveries, I came here to the backroom to make a post about this thing I found. I was going to check to see if anyone else had ever discovered this in the past decade by spending like 1 minute of my time using search, but I am a busy busy twice jumping man. The next step is what to name this glitch/technique. While I do like twice jumping, I don't think it's flash enough. I've narrowed it down to 3 names: Gravity Cancelling, Air Weaving, and Slice Dicing. Please vote in the poll as this needs a proper name before we go public with this game changing information. In the interest of fairness I have also included Twice Jumping for those with no sense of extreme awesomeness. After we get a name I'll make a topic about banning it.